What Is an Export?
Exports are goods and services that are produced in one country and sold to buyers in another. Exports, along with imports, make up international trade. Instead of confining themselves within their geographical borders, countries often intentionally seek external markets around the world for commerce, achieving greater revenue and transactional opportunities- What is export

Key Takeaways
- An export refers to a product or service produced in one country and sold to a buyer abroad.
- Exports are one of the oldest forms of economic transfer and occur on a large scale between nations.
- Exports can increase a firm’s sales and profits, and they may even present an opportunity to capture significant global market share.
- Companies that export heavily are typically exposed to a higher degree of financial risk.
- In 2022 (latest information), the world exported nearly $31.34 trillion of goods and services, led by China ($3.7 trillion of exports).
Understanding Exports
Exports are incredibly important to modern economies because they offer people and firms many more markets for their goods. One of the core functions of diplomacy and foreign policy between governments is to foster economic trade, encouraging exports and imports for the benefit of all trading parties.
Export agreements are often heavily strategic, with countries exchanging agreements to ensure their own country can not only receive the goods they need via imports but can distribute goods for more domestic revenue via exports.
Also, consider how governments may use exports as leverage over political situations. In response to the war in Ukraine, the White House issued an executive order prohibiting both the importation and exportation of certain goods to and from Russia.
Companies often measure their net exports, which is their total exports minus their total imports. Because net exports are a component of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), exports play a factor in determining a country’s financial and economic well-being.
Goods may be sent via direct exporting or indirect exporting. Direct exporting entails working directly with an importer. The exporting company handles all of the client communication; as a result, they do not pay a middleman fee.
Because the direct export method may require teams with specialized knowledge, many companies opt to contract out a third party to facilitate an indirect export.
In 2022 (latest information), the world exported almost $31.34 trillion worth of goods. $3.7 trillion of this activity came from China, the world’s largest exporter.
The Export Process
In many cases, a country will partner with another country to understand the demand needs for certain products. Instead of blindly manufacturing goods and hoping for an international buyer, the export process often starts with the manufacturing country receiving an order.
The exporting country must often receive proper clearance from their home country to export goods; this is often done by obtaining an export license or meeting other country-specific requirements.
The export process usually entails settling several financial matters upfront. First, the exporter may seek out a letter of credit from the importer if applicable. This ensures the exporter can have greater faith in the transaction and will receive compensation for the goods once exported.
The exporter and importer also fix the exchange rate at which the exported goods will be exchanged at from the foreign currency to the home currency. At this point, an invoice is most often issued and paid for, finalizing the sale.
As the order is prepared, formal documents are gathered, including a permit issued by the importer’s country, financial documents, such as a bill of lading, and shipping documents.
These documents are remitted to the seller; of primary importance is the shipment advance which notifies the importer how goods will be transmitted.
Trade Barriers and Other Limitations
A trade barrier includes any government law, regulation, policy, or practice that is designed to protect domestic products from foreign competition or to artificially stimulate exports of particular domestic products.
The most common foreign trade barriers are government-imposed measures and policies that restrict, prevent, or impede the international exchange of goods and services.
Trade barriers present exporting companies with a unique set of challenges. Extra costs are likely to be realized because companies must allocate considerable resources to researching foreign markets and modifying products to meet local demand and regulations.
Exports facilitate international trade and stimulate domestic economic activity by creating employment, production, and revenue.
Companies that export are typically exposed to a higher degree of financial risk. Payment collection methods, such as open accounts, letters of credit, prepayment, and consignment, are inherently complex and take longer to process than payments from domestic customers.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Exports
Companies export products and services for a variety of reasons. Exports can increase sales and profits if the goods create new markets or expand existing ones. They may even present an opportunity to capture significant global market share. Companies that export spread business risk by diversifying into multiple markets.
Exporting into foreign markets can often reduce per-unit costs by taking advantage of economies of scale. Finally, companies that export to foreign markets gain new knowledge and experience that may allow the discovery of new technologies, marketing practices, and insights into foreign competitors.
Disadvantages- What is export
To export goods, countries may need to incur high transportation costs and the risk of loss due to the transportation of goods. If ownership of the goods does not pass to the buyer until the goods are received, this may make the exportation unduly risky for the exporter.
Because of logistic and economic constraints, small and medium-sized businesses or governments may find difficulty in exporting goods. In addition, smaller companies often do not have the in-house personnel needed to potentially navigate international trade regulations.
Exporting of goods is much more common for larger bodies with greater resources to seek out these outside markets.
Last, exporting to foreign countries may result in currency risk. Depending on exchange rate agreements at the time of contract, a foreign currency’s worth may deteriorate, negatively affecting an exporter.
Consider when one currency strengthens against another; if the exporter is to be paid in the currency whose value has depreciated, their export may be devalued. This devaluation may also occur based on extenuating tariffs or lower export prices.
- Often allows for greater economic activity leading to higher revenue
- May result in production efficiencies due to scaling manufacturing
- May result in greater innovation and R&D through working with foreign partners
- May reduce operational risk in some areas as revenue streams become more diversified
- May result in high transportation charges
- May not be achievable by smaller entities due to lack of knowledge and resources
- May result in currency exchange risk due to devaluing currencies
- May increase operational risk in some areas due to unknown political or geographical risks
Example of Exports- What is export
The United States is one of the top exporters of automotive vehicles. As domestic companies manufacture cars, trucks, and other vehicles, these are shipped around the world and used by non-U.S. entities.
In 2022 (latest information), the Observatory of Economic Complexity reported that the U.S. was the world’s third largest exporter of cars, distributing $57.5 billion of vehicles around the world. The U.S. distributed over $16.9 billion worth of vehicles to Canada, making up 29.3% of car exports; the largest percentage. Other top countries receiving U.S.-made vehicles are Germany, China, South Korea, and Mexico.3
Alternatively, the U.S. was also the top importer of vehicles in 2022. It imported $159 billion of cars, most of which came from Mexico, Japan, and Canada.
Of the U.S. manufacturers that distribute goods around the world, BMW Manufacturing led domestic companies by the value of cars exported. In 2022 (latest information), the group’s South Carolina plant alone exported over 227,000 vehicles to roughly 120 countries, an export total of nearly $9.6 billion.
BMW Group. “BMW Manufacturing Is Largest Automotive Exporter by Value for Ninth Consecutive Year.”
2022 was the ninth consecutive year that BMW Manufacturing led automotive exports by value, and more than 15.5% of the company’s exports were delivered to Germany, the top export market. In 2023, the plant’s value of exports increased to $10.1 billion.
What Is Export Policy? What is export
Export policy refers to government legislation that dictates how, what, when, and with whom a country exports goods. Export policy defines the tariffs, customs requirements, and limitations on international trade for each country.
Is It Better to Export Goods Than Import Goods?
For each country, this answer will be different. In many cases, it is better to import some goods and export others. Each country is often more proficient in manufacturing certain goods based on its climate, citizen skillset, or access to raw materials.
Therefore, it’s arguably best for a company to manufacture and export what it is more efficient at doing so and revert to importing other goods where it may be economically challenging to produce on its own. A great example is produce where certain countries simply have better arable lands and climate conditions to grow certain food.
What Are the Largest U.S. Exports?
The U.S.’s largest exports by value in 2023 were crude oil, civilian aircraft, refined petroleum oils, petroleum gases, and cars.
Who Is the World’s Largest Exporter?
Based on the most recent export information available, China is the world’s largest exporter, followed by the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and France.
The Bottom Line
An export is a good that is produced domestically but sold to a consumer overseas. Exporting goods can have advantages and disadvantages for both the producer and the countries in which they do business.
Due to resource constraints, economic policy, and manufacturing strategies of each country, it sometimes makes more sense for countries to make goods to sell for revenue as opposed to retaining them for consumption.
Export Consultant Company, Writer, US Visa, Indian Economic Crises, Business Community.